westcalxvandy this book is quite good
eytang8@yahoo.com Mmm
eytang8@yahoo.com I'll have to read it, then
westcalxvandy making a list of contemporary fiction I should read
westcalxvandy Insignificant sicknesses should in themselves be proof of the non-existence of any intelligent designer.
westcalxvandy Surely no higher manifestation of metaphysical meaning and existence would create such intelligent life forms only to have them plagued by petty bacteria that causes them to spew phlegm and snot in every which direction.
westcalxvandy Obviously this said intelligent designer or proclaimed "God" that would make the common cold for no obvious reason must be fascinated by the microscopic organisms of sickness and thus the complex mind of something we can't comprehend, or the mind of a 5-year old who claps his hands excitedly in excitement for more as one human sneezes on the face of another.
eytang8@yahoo.com God is just a sadistic bastard
westcalxvandy also possible
eytang8@yahoo.com possibly a pedophile
westcalxvandy or just gets a kick out of other ones
eytang8@yahoo.com Except, wouldn't it be boring already knowing everything that's gonna happen
eytang8@yahoo.com ?
eytang8@yahoo.com past present and future
westcalxvandy be back later, gonna go et
eytang8@yahoo.com 'k
eytang8@yahoo.com have some delicious protein
westcalxvandy I did have some delicious protein
eytang8@yahoo.com walking protein?
westcalxvandy no, just the excretions of walking masses of protein
eytang8@yahoo.com Walking masses of DELICIOUS protein
westcalxvandy bleh
eytang8@yahoo.com ?
westcalxvandy tha''s gross
westcalxvandy wow I found who do "Twilight Zone"
westcalxvandy by The Manhattan Transfer in the album "Extensions"
eytang8@yahoo.com whuh
westcalxvandy it's under the genre "Jazz"
westcalxvandy and I was like wut?
westcalxvandy this is me ransacking my dad's music collection
eytang8@yahoo.com oh
eytang8@yahoo.com kewell
westcalxvandy ugh
westcalxvandy this goes on for 6 minutes
eytang8@yahoo.com boo doo doo doo dew dew dew doo
westcalxvandy TWILIGHT
eytang8@yahoo.com ARGH
westcalxvandy *bang*
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm weirdly intrigued
eytang8@yahoo.com brb, cooking spam
westcalxvandy ggggrrrrrrooooooooooossssssssssssssss
eytang8@yahoo.com fleshy
eytang8@yahoo.com and slowly being burnt on to a 400 degree piece of metal
westcalxvandy Give me some good bands
westcalxvandy avoid rap
westcalxvandy avoid japanese music
eytang8@yahoo.com I recently realized how much Japanese music sucks
westcalxvandy O.O
westcalxvandy JUST NOW?
eytang8@yahoo.com No, like months ago
westcalxvandy ugh
westcalxvandy I wish I could have been there
westcalxvandy so i could hug you
eytang8@yahoo.com It pretty much happened as I began listening to stuff in english/other languages
westcalxvandy muhahaha
westcalxvandy music is cool everywhere else
eytang8@yahoo.com I listen to some of The White Stripes
eytang8@yahoo.com Neutral Milk Hotel
eytang8@yahoo.com Coldplay
westcalxvandy what's Coldplay?
westcalxvandy (mock me here)
eytang8@yahoo.com It made Viva La Vida
westcalxvandy right
westcalxvandy got it
eytang8@yahoo.com I also listen to The Killers a bit
eytang8@yahoo.com and The Clash
westcalxvandy been doing some French pop reasearch
westcalxvandy http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4y4tg_zoe-avril-on-ne-changera-pas-le-mon_music
westcalxvandy she's pretty good
eytang8@yahoo.com some MIA
eytang8@yahoo.com tried Justice and Vitalic
eytang8@yahoo.com Ohohoho
eytang8@yahoo.com a frenchie, huh
eytang8@yahoo.com How cultured
westcalxvandy I like her >_>
westcalxvandy she's kinda hot
eytang8@yahoo.com It does sound nice
eytang8@yahoo.com and she does look attractive
westcalxvandy Zoe Avril
eytang8@yahoo.com I can see it in 20 pt font
westcalxvandy oh
westcalxvandy missed that
eytang8@yahoo.com If only I knew what it meant
westcalxvandy who cares
westcalxvandy good music is good music
westcalxvandy although it would be interesting to know the translation
westcalxvandy lyrics counts for like 15% of pop music
westcalxvandy well can't find any of the people you suggested in my dad's music collection in my room
eytang8@yahoo.com Most of my stuff is recent
westcalxvandy Supertramp is alright...
westcalxvandy this more oldy rock is not bad actually
westcalxvandy this oldy rock is pretty good
westcalxvandy bleh
westcalxvandy something wrong with my AIM
westcalxvandy can you hear me?
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
westcalxvandy err read me
eytang8@yahoo.com I can hear you
eytang8@yahoo.com and read you
eytang8@yahoo.com Well, just read
westcalxvandy service errors
westcalxvandy every 10 seconds
eytang8@yahoo.com Might be a problem on my side
eytang8@yahoo.com 'cuz it said I disconnected
westcalxvandy my music tastes have extended beyond the Beatles, finally
eytang8@yahoo.com And on to what?
westcalxvandy a strange, little-seen world
westcalxvandy of classic rock and indy music
eytang8@yahoo.com Any specifics?
westcalxvandy i have fallen in love with this band my brother introduced me to
westcalxvandy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Dogv
westcalxvandy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Dog
westcalxvandy no v
westcalxvandy oh wow I didn't read this
westcalxvandy The band's version of pop-rock is strongly influenced by bands of the 1960s. They are often compared to The Beatles,
westcalxvandy irony
eytang8@yahoo.com I should give them a try
westcalxvandy which is weird because they don't sound that similar
westcalxvandy they're less country
eytang8@yahoo.com Can't say I really loved the beatles, though
westcalxvandy which is good
westcalxvandy Creedence Clearwater Revival... everyone has heard of them
westcalxvandy The Cure
eytang8@yahoo.com I've not heard of Creedence Clearwater Revival
westcalxvandy good band
eytang8@yahoo.com though I have of The Cure
westcalxvandy also a good band
westcalxvandy you might like Wilco
westcalxvandy another band my brother introduced
westcalxvandy bleh wanna look for more in my dad's collection but I'll stop at 584.6 MB for today
westcalxvandy regroup
westcalxvandy sent up camp
westcalxvandy try again tomorrow
eytang8@yahoo.com only 600mb?
westcalxvandy yeah
westcalxvandy read too much of that book toda
westcalxvandy y
westcalxvandy wanna go see a film with me?
westcalxvandy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheri_(film)
westcalxvandy expanding my literature, music, and film tastes
eytang8@yahoo.com fascinating
westcalxvandy what is?
eytang8@yahoo.com I'm just spouting adjectives
westcalxvandy or are you just saying something for the sake of me talking
eytang8@yahoo.com at random
westcalxvandy yeah figured
eytang8@yahoo.com 'cuz I'm also running back and forth between sizzling, bubbling flesh
westcalxvandy 'tis alright
eytang8@yahoo.com and this computer
westcalxvandy two things that hurt your life span
eytang8@yahoo.com Ah, but how can love hurt my lifespan?
westcalxvandy it can give you AIDs
eytang8@yahoo.com You can?
eytang8@yahoo.com Spam can?
westcalxvandy love can
eytang8@yahoo.com Ah well
eytang8@yahoo.com Depends what kind of love
westcalxvandy woah
westcalxvandy three people logged off at once
westcalxvandy and came back online at the same time
eytang8@yahoo.com It's wonky
westcalxvandy you, mitchell, and carmen
eytang8@yahoo.com Carmen?
westcalxvandy Tulito's cousin?
westcalxvandy oh right you don't know people...
eytang8@yahoo.com I do know her
westcalxvandy just kidding...
westcalxvandy <3 u
eytang8@yahoo.com =(
westcalxvandy aww
eytang8@yahoo.com <3 you
westcalxvandy *hugs*
eytang8@yahoo.com <3 <3 <3 you
westcalxvandy let's go see this
westcalxvandy http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox_searchlight/500daysofsummer/
eytang8@yahoo.com certainly
westcalxvandy good movies comin' out this summer
westcalxvandy well actually 4 I'm looking forward to
eytang8@yahoo.com Unfortunately I have no taste
westcalxvandy come with me
westcalxvandy on my expedition to broaden them
eytang8@yahoo.com Gladly
eytang8@yahoo.com I need it
westcalxvandy insert the throbbing, penis of culture filled with the fluid of cosmopolitanism into the vagina of your tastes, and rip the hymen of closed mindedness
eytang8@yahoo.com nom nom nom
eytang8@yahoo.com I am slightly disgusted yet intrigued by the analogy
westcalxvandy yay self-expansion
westcalxvandy brb